Day 2: Mesa Verde, Four Corners, Page
Topic: Uncategorized| No Comments »I’d never heard of Mesa Verde before Sandy suggested we go there. However, I had heard of the Anasazi Indians. I had also heard of cliff dwellings. It turns out that cliff dwellings were made and dwelt in by the Anasazi and Mesa Verde in Colorado is a national park with lots of them. The Anasazi also are a mysterious group of Indians in that they built magnificent and haunting structures, but seem to have abandoned them for some inexplicable reason around 1300 AD. On a side note, I find it interesting that most of the national parks we have visited so far seem to have a town within 10 miles of the park entrance. It’s just convenient to stop in a little town for gas or food, leave, and then see a “Mesa Verde National Park – 10 miles” sign as we leave town (kind of true in the case of Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point. The reason we even went to Canyonlands is because I saw a sign at the end of Dead Horse Point saying “Canyonlands – 9 miles”).