Comcast and TWiTs

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Posted by mobile phone:
I am listening to Twit 160-something, and the whole discussion is insane. They seem to be calculating the 250 GB Bandwidth limit based on a silly idea; watching streaming video, downloading legal movies, etc. I have one word: Online backup. With Terabyte drives becoming common in the newest desktop PCs, and high-def video or even mini-dv video being (up to) 13 GB an hour, you’re screwed just backing up your new PC. Right now. Screwed. It’s the same thing with, which my dad still keeps telling me to do. Of course I can’t, since I know that “unlimited” backup doesn’t at all cover my 30 GB of photos, or 300 GB of raw mini-dv video. So, I guess my point is, if you’re a home video pack rat, you better buy a crapload of tapes. (Nevermind the implication for dirty, dirty Linux Distro torrent seeders)



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