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Ballestas Islands

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After yet another bus ride we arrived in Paracas. Since Paracas is pretty much a one-street village, I had to reserve a hotel in a nearby town called Pisco. However, it turned out that the bus station manager is building a hotel right by the station so we stayed there instead. Super convenient. Cheap yet clean.
Next morning we set out on a speedboat to the Ballestas Islands. The islands are about 30 mins from the shore and are known as a nesting ground for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds. The birds were SO loud and they were absolutely everywhere. We also saw penguins and sea lions. I loved the penguins! One of the birds that nests here is the cormoran, which is the main producer of guano. On these islands the guano can get up to 20 m deep. On other islands harvesters have reported up to 70 m. Again there were birds everywhere and collecting guano is still big business in south america.
After the trip we hopped on our last bus – to Lima.



One Response to “Ballestas Islands”

  1. Jennie Says:

    Um… What in the world would you NEED guano for?? “Produced”?? Wrong. Gross. Really? REALLY??

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