Topic: Uncategorized| 1 Comment »We spent Thanksgiving in Singapore eating Italian pasta. How wrong is that??!! Next year, I am throwing a major Thanksgiving feast with at least 2 turkeys to make up for this.
Singapore is a maze of skyscrapers and is the hub of Southeast Asia for business, telecommunication, shipping…everything really. The national sport is shopping. You can buy anything is Singapore.
Yours truly and my henna tattoo. Living on the edge!
Night safari!
Sim Lin Square… 6 floors of anything electronic made in China. It is a like a giant husband day care center. And yes, David had his play date.
Random trivia about Singapore…
If you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying, “I am a litterer” (in addition to fines of USD 2,000 )
Failure to flush a public toilet after use may result in very hefty fines (USD 500)
As it is considered pornographic, you may not walk around your home nude.
Pornography is illegal.
Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country.
The sale of gum is prohibited.
The death penalty is mandatory for those convicted of trafficking, manufacturing, importing or exporting more than 15g of heroin, 30g of morphine, 30g of cocaine, 500g of cannabis, 200g of cannabis resin and 1.2kg of opium. Possessing these quantities is deemed as prima facie evidence of trafficking. In other words, if you possess these quantities (and possession means you had control of them), you are deemed to be a trafficker and therefore subject to the death penalty.
December 7th, 2010 at 10:31 pm
I love seeing all your random adventures!! I just can’t believe that I didn’t even know half of them were happening until they had already happened!! I remember the days when I felt like I was the ‘travelingest’ family member- I hereby step aside and pass the torch to you two!!
I love traveling and have loved following along on your adventures so that someday I can steal your ideas and plan my own- THANK YOU!!! Love you lots and wish you safety and all happy and joyful things!!