Archive for October 14th, 2011

Apples. Apples. Apples.

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My life has been taken over by apples.
I am not complaining.
I have about 40 lbs of apples sitting in my kitchen right now ready to be dried and juiced. I have been helping my friend this week with the same project and it is my turn this weekend. Tomorrow AM I pick up the dryer and the juicer and operation “Keep the Doctor Away” will be launched.
For the record, I don’t can. My only success so far has been canned salsa and grape juice. The thing is that David does not like canned fruit and frankly while I do have a real interest in learning this mormon voodoo I get easily distracted when I see a can of peaches at Macey’s for a dollar while the homemade variety would cost double that.
Anywho, these apples were for free and both David and I could live off of dried apples and apple juice. And the way it looks, we just might for the next couple of weeks.

I also decided to broaden my bfast food horizons. Today I tried cream of rice, tomorrow I am making millet and Sunday buckwheat.
My parents say that I was a cream of wheat addict until the first day of first grade when I apparently decided it was unworthy of my educated self. Well, three years ago during an anniversary trip to the East Coast, we stayed with David’s sister in New Hampshire and she made it for bfast one morning and…well, my life has been happier every since. To be totally honest, remember the part in Ratatouille (best movie ever) when Anton Ego tastes Remy’s Ratatoille and he is brought back to his childhood? That is exactly how it felt eating cream of wheat after 20+ years.

Cream of rice was about 6 out of 10. Not revolutionary but palatable. Nothing condensed milk and cinnamon can’t fix. I have eaten millet and buckwheat a lot when I was in Russia. Babushka would make it for me pretty much for every bfast. I tried making it once before but it was not a success, so I am trying again.

What else?
Oh, of course…soap boats. First of all, soap does not float. So, it was more like a soap submarine race–in any case, the cubs had a blast. David and I had so much fun watching the boys cheer on their crafts. Of course, half of them got their shoes totally wet in the cheerleading of it all.

