Archive for November, 2011

Sick of Being Sick

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I am real fed up. I just cant get rid off my sore throat. I have not been able to talk for 3 days now and I cant sleep at night because the coughing wakes me up.
I have had so much chicken soup I think I am going to start growing feathers any second. I gargle salt water. I drink hot cider. I inhaled hot garlic potion (the fruits of David’s internet voodoo research). Today I juiced and drank 8 pounds of oranges.
Still I am absolutely exhausted and sick. I get 2 hours of productivity a day and then I lie on the couch for the rest of the day with barely enough energy to make it to the bathroom once an hour.

Ugh. Life without pills is tricky.


It’s Coming

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Yesterday I saw a car with a Christmas tree attached to its roof. Yes! Yes! Yes! My Christmas mood is kicking into high gear.
I already took down Thanksgiving decor and put up Christmas ornaments. We played Czech Christmas carols all Sunday. But it just doesn’t feel totally like Christmas until I have a wreath on the door and a Christmas tree in the living room. I am hoping to get the wreath done today. I always make my own from branches from the back yard. The plan is get the Christmas tree on Saturday possibly Friday night depending on David’s time or my persuasion skills. I can hardly type I am so excited. I have all the tree ornaments lined up in the back room. Is there anything more magical than waking up in the morning and smell air permeated with sap. I despise fake Christmas trees. Oh, I also got 4 more houses for our Christmas tree village. Our village is made of primitive wooden block houses. Our only villager is a moose that is taller than the houses. We have an HO scale train that goes around the Christmas tree. Gosh, I wonder if I could convince David to go Christmas tree shopping this morning.
BTW, Costco will be selling real Christmas trees this year for about 44 dollars. The one they had in store and it looked fantastic.
I got our 2012 family calendar finalized and ordered yesterday. It is always such a relief to get that done.
We are taking our Christmas card photo tonight. This morning I will be battling the labels. I dread that. I have the address book updated but getting the printer to print labels is apparently like asking it to shovel snow.
Oh. Oh. I got a new set of Christmas cookie cutters. I will be making my own ginger bread and cutting the shapes out and then frosting them. They will be one of Christmas tree decorations. We dont use glass ornaments. Everything I have on the tree is natural–wooden, straw, and gingerbread ornaments plus whole walnuts. We also put real candles and sparklers on the tree. I am very uncompromising when it comes to Christmas–I try to make it as Czech as possible. I dont make fish for Christmas dinner as I dont like fish but otherwise I try to keep the Czech traditions alive and strong.

What else?
Oh, we are sick. We have a terrible cough and I lost my voice.
Thanksgiving in Phoenix was lovely. Great to see everyone and catch up.

Love you all,


Happy Thanksgiving

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I have so much to be thankful for. It is really quite overwhelming when I pause and think about it. Most of all, this year I am grateful for the blueberry.


The BS of BCS

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No. 2 Oklahoma losing to unranked Iowa State…I am purring.
I can’t wait to spend this Saturday listening to everybody and their dog voicing their opinion on the mess the BCS is now in. One of the commentators of the OSU v. Iowa State game said that it comes down to lobbying now. I home it makes the BCS proud that they reduced the championship of one of the most manly sports to lobbying by a bunch of pencil-pushers. Well done.
Poor BSU. I wonder if they sell TCU voodoo dolls in Boise for fans to stick pins in.


The Big News…

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Today I was accepted to the University of Utah Master’s Program in Accounting. I am starting January 2012 and, if all goes well, I should be graduating in December.
I am very excited. I do dread the commute but I am so very grateful for this amazing opportunity.
Yes, I considered attending BYU but I feel that the U is the right choice and will give me the type of experience and education I want.

Love you all. Thanks so much for your support.


Time to say goodbye to Burberry Brit?

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I knew this day would come….

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The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

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I spent yesterday sick to my stomach. We skipped Jonnie’s choir performance and just stayed home on the couch watching football.
This morning I woke up feeling equally awful. Even bfast crepes I cooked for David made me ill. Usually, I would take advantage of this and stay at home from Church and play Angry Birds. However, today I got all dolled up, painted my nails red, put on my new boots, and with a brave face headed to Church.
Clearly I was dressed for the task ahead….
We got to Church a little late and hence sat in the hallway for the sacrament. After the second prayer I heard the chapel door open but no priest came so I turned around and saw the usher, a very old gentleman, bent over and cleaning up the carpet with tissue. Why was he bent over? What was there to clean up? Why were 20 people staring at him and not doing anything?
I sprang to action…turns out there in the middle of the carpet was a giant pile of diarrhea.
Well…if I am good at anything at all–it is cleaning and bossing people around. This situation called for both.
I immediately started giving orders. You get rid of these tissues and get me a roll of paper towels, you get cleaning supplies, you get a bucket of hot water, you hold the door, you get a garbage can etc. I got the old man to take off his soiled shoes, wrapped them in paper towels, and sent him to the bathroom where another gentleman helped him clean up.
The team–me, David, and two other guys–raided the cleaning closet and nuked the carpet with anything we could find. We pretty much got the situation under control by the end of sacrament meeting.

So, here are my thoughts….
1. I will start with the angry thoughts first–I am absolutely appalled by nearly half the congregation who saw us cleaning up and fretting about, and they did absolutely nothing.

2. I hope the old man will get over the embarrassment quickly. He was clearly mortified. David wants to stop by and bring him cookies. I think we should pretend it never happened.

3. I am married to a wonderful man. He mopped the tracks to the bathroom including half the gym.

4. As sick as I was this morning, I felt absolutely fine while we were cleaning up. The Lord will indeed sustain us when we were on his errand. Of course, now my stomach is in open rebellion but now I all I need to do is lie on the couch and blog. :)

5. Banana Republic “Lucky in Love” red nail polish adds a touch of elegance to any situation.

Love you all,


The Saturday Schedule Crisis

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I mean seriously….
10:00 am Penn State vs. Nebraska
1:30 pm BSU vs. TCU
3:00 pm Jonnie’s Choir Concert
6:00 pm Stanford vs. Oregon
7:15 pm BYU vs. Idaho

What is a girl to do?????????

I blame the NBA. Thanks to them I have nothing on TV to yell at during the week (Rachel Madcow aside), so all my energy gets bottled up. This just aint healthy. Gosh, I crave a chocolate chip cookie. Is 7:30 am too early? Cant believe I just said that.

Honey, the oven at 325F please.


The Times We Live In…

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I would never do that.
I would cancel the original google calendar invite.

Love you, Honey.
