Late fall

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The house is very quiet. It is cold and dreary outside. The sky is quite dark. I am not hiking the Y today. I am sitting on the couch under the window watching the leaves fall in the garden. They gather in layers and start to encroach on the basement window.
I cant help but be mellow and calm. I lit a pumpkin candle and turned off all lights except for the living room lamp. I am sipping cider. It is magical.

David looked fantastic in his costume. The handlebars of his mustache ‘could have raced in Tour de France. I was extremely bitter he did not win best costume and that my meat chili lost to a three-bean chili–it was not a bean dip cook off. Grrrrrrrrr.
Anyway, back to being mellow and calm.

Our evening at home was lovely. We cut out Halloween designs into paper bags, lit them up with candles, and set them all along the driveway. It was just beautiful. We had about 20 trick-or-treaters come. Sadly not all the scouts came.
Finally, we had pizza and watched a murder mystery.
Honey, I love you so very much. You make everything better–including me.




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