The lost mind

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I am losing my mind. Actually there is a chance I lost it already.
Yesterday I lost my Costco card. Today I locked my keys and my phone in my car at the Y trail parking lot. Cant wait for tomorrow’s nadir.
The loss of my beloved Costco card is a real crisis. I can totally relate to Joseph Smith losing the manuscripts. I mean I really need to buy frozen chicken breasts….what am I to do?????????
Am definitely wearing black today. Waaaaaaaaah.

What else is new?
We got new Android phones. Yes, here I am, dark side! David is thrilled because for the first time since the citrus juicer I am obsessed with something that has wires in it.

Last night we made paper turkeys with the cubs. David made one as well. I put it on the fridge…I might have a maternal instinct after all.

Tomorrow we are taking down Halloween decorations. Am very depressed.




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