Medium Shrimp
Topic: Uncategorized| 1 Comment »The blueberry is 13 weeks.
It is 3 inches long–the size of a medium shrimp. The website must have ran out of fruit. Last week it was a lime and this week it is a medium shrimp. I hope they at least find an appropriate veggie for next week. I dont like the idea of carrying a prawn.
Anywho, the blueberry now has fingerprints! How crazy is that.
Re: cravings…Subway BLT is continuing to be a staple (especially around 9:30 am). I bought 40 pounds of oranges so David spends his free time juicing them for me. Blueberry loves fresh OJ (especially around 2 am). I am also on a peach kick. Costco sells peaches in glass jars (pregnant women should avoid canned food) and they have become my all-day snack of choice.
BTW, the Blueberry got 3 Christmas gifts–a teddy bear, wooden building blocks, and an apron with a frog. David bought the apron because he knows I cannot wait for the blueberry to cook with me.
I am making a brocolli chowder today. I wish Blueberry could help me stir.
Oh….We find out the sex on February 10th!!! And then…Baby Gap marathon. I seriously experience actual pain when I see cute baby clothes and I can’t buy them because I dont know if I should buy pink or blue.
Speaking of clothes…I can still fit in all my tops and dresses just fine but pants are becoming an issue. I am absolutey terrified of buying elastic band pants. Such a sin against cutoure! But then again running around with a zipper undone is also hardly polished.
J.Crew had a fantastic sale over the weekend. With no maternity line, I did not buy anything. I ate a bar of chocolate instead. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Banana Republic also has no maternity line. This made me think that before the Blueberry that is exactly why I loved these stores–there was nothing “mommy” about their styles. A dress from Banana Republic does not say, “You want me to be the mother of your children.” It says, “I look smoking hot in this dress and you still wish I took it off.”
It ought to be noted that I am typing this while dressed in Christmas pjs with a moose on my shirt.