Dec 06
Topic: Uncategorized|
Huge news…University of Utah offered me a graduate fellowship!!!
That means…
a job
A job means…
$$$$$$$ means…
Baby Gap
And Baby Gap means…
me happy.
Life is really quite simple when it is put in bullet points.
Dec 05
Topic: Uncategorized|
I am wallowing in the Christmas Spirit.
We got our Christmas Tree Friday night. It is a pine tree that goes all the way to our ceiling. It is beautiful and it smells divine. The moment we walked into the tree lot I knew this was the one for us. We put up all the ornaments and set up the village. The train goes all around. I really think we need to get a tunnel next year. I cant stop looking at the whole scene and purring.
Saturday we printed our Christmas card AND Honey surprised me with tix to Christmas Around the World–my favorite Christmas show. I could spend hours watching the river dance.
Sunday I made gingerbread cookies…for decoration. At least that was the plan until David happened.
Today has been very exciting….
1. I definitely need a new bra. For the first time since I was 12. This is big…well, not that big. 
2. Fit Pregnancy magazine says that new research shows that women who ate chocolate daily during their pregnancy gave birth to children that “laughed readily, were soothed easily, and were more accepting to novelties.” YES. YES. YES. I immediately stocked up on Ritter Sport–white with hazelnuts (for extra nutrition). I am going to be a mother of the year.
3. I discovered Baby Gap. It is so ridiculously expensive and cute it might as well have a shop window poster saying “Sandy, Welcome Home.”
4. My Subway cravings are rocking and rolling. Since I could not get my fix on Sunday I had my sub at 9:25 am today. It was absolutely heavenly. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Oh, I am also addicted to cucumbers.
5. The doc says I need to drink more Vitamin Water and get a humidifier to help my cough. This is a doc-ordered early Christmas. Me happy.
Love love,
Dec 01
Topic: Uncategorized|
Dearest LJ and Ami -
Sauteed onion on my chest has been a lifelong dream of mine. As has actually having a chest….but this is not the time or place for that conversation. 
I fear not impersonating a hamburger. I will actually have you know that the Czechs use pig fat to battle and sooth cough. I spent most of my sick days as a child wrapped in thin strips of pig fat. Magically it works but it is a torture. The pig fat start off scratchy and cold but then it starts sizzling from your body heat and turns into a slimy monster with only one goal in mind–to tickle you to death. Oh, gosh, I am flooded with memories.
Now, back to your onions. The plans is really flawless except for the smell. Yesterday I hid myself in the bedroom with a wide open window and 35F outside after David made cinnamon rolls. Maybe you have a suggestion for also getting rid of onion smell???
I usually love onions but frankly just the thought right now makes me want to go and hide in the bedroom with an open window.
But then again at 10 pm in a fit of cough I might reconsider. I set an onion out on the counter just in case.
I seriously am feeling better today. My voice is much better, to David’s horror.
Love you gals,