Archive for February, 2012

The Blueberry is a…

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We are absolutely thrilled.
She is healthy.
She is beautiful.

I woke up at 5 am after getting hardly any sleep. I was just too excited. I did everything to distract myself including grooming, ironing, cleaning, and cooking before our 9 am ultrasound appointment.

I am bouncing off the walls with happiness.




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My name is Sandy Litster and I am a chocoholic.
While we are officially finding out a week from today whether the Blueberry is a boy or a girl, I already know with 100% scientific surety that it is a girl.
My chocolate consumption, which even times of non-pregnancy is very respectable, has kicked into high gear in the last 2 weeks. I live off of Macey’s chocolate ice cream swirl, Wendy’s chocolate Frosty, and Ben and Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie.
You all understand–there is no male of the human species that could survive, let alone thrive on this diet.
Yet, this health kick has prompted some serious retrospection following two incidents:
1. Yesterday David was shocked to discover traces of Nutella on the side of my tummy. The less I say about the fact that I wiped it off with my forefinger and immediately licked it off the better.
2. I finished a serving of Ben and Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream before the cashier at Wal-Mart was done scanning my cart. I should also admit that that cart contained a 2 10oz cocoa butter lotion (for emergencies–should I run out of Nutella, heaven forbid).
Conclusion: I am a chocoholic and I am so freaking happy.

Other positive news:
I stopped myself from buying a 5foot moose at Costco today. Frankly it was all because of a small child that was so terrified of the moose it went into a crying fit. I immediately deducted that the child was more of a reindeer fan rather than a moose fan. Furthermore, I concluded that the Blueberry would definitely prefer a reindeer as well. Mother’s intuition. Clearly the mother of the screaming child was completely oblivious to such crucial preference. Made me quite concerned for the well-being of her other four children.

