Archive for April 16th, 2012

The List

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Yesterday I spent some time seeking the internet wisdom of veteran mothers on what to bring to the hospital for the Blueberry arrival.
The list started with about 10 reasonable items.
Then I made the fatal mistake of reading the comments section. Well, before you know it my list was 35 items long and I was looking on amazon for a new suitcase to pack it all in.

My favorite comment was from a husband who apparently packed the whole house and both bathrooms only to discover that he forgot his wife’s deodorant. Turns out his sweat-covered laboring wife did not take it well. Made me laugh.

I am not a pack rat. I do not accumulate “stuff”. I am constantly purging the house of “stuff”.
However, the thing with OCD is that when it comes to packing for a trip or any kind of venture, OCD turns into the “You never know syndrom”.

Still, somehow it does not feel right to have to move to give birth to a baby.

