Apr 25
Topic: Uncategorized|
This is a great article about temples…
written by a female episcopal priest…
published in the Huffington Post.
Apr 25
Topic: Uncategorized|

Cars whiz down the track
Yesterday I witnessed my first Scout pinewood derby.
The night before David was in the garage till midnight searching through all our storage boxes for his two derby cars. Sadly, to no avail. He was very distraught.
I had absolutely no idea the race was such a grand production! There was last minute weighing, wheel adjustments, and painting. The dads talked about the power of their sanders and secrets of graphite application. The boys compared designs and practiced dry runs.
It was a blast.
Boys are just boys.
I am ten minutes away from my last lecture of the semester. Wow. Time flies. I am so grateful I have made it this far. I have received so many tender mercies from the Lord.