Random Randomness

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Today was the first day in 5 months that I had absolutely nothing scheduled. I did not have to be anywhere. I did not have to do anything. Incredible. David and I had a marvelous picnic lunch on the lawn by his office. We went on a short walk. Then watched and fed ducks. Very relaxing. I also went to the temple, gardened, went shopping, and napped.

Mama Mia
While some view child birth as a surgical procedure, the approach preached by our prenatal class was that the birth of life represents the final climax of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman. Hence it was suggested that instead of wearing hideous hospital gowns (which would have snuffed out any chance of procreation in the first place), women go shopping for a new gown to birth their baby in–one that will make them feel sexy and comfortable. I hardly need encouragement to go shopping plus this philosophy actually made sense to me. The fact is that when I am dressed like a witch, I tend to act like a witch. While if I know I look attractive, I am much more pleasant and relaxed.
So, I went shopping for a sexy birth gown. I got two. I am an overachiever. I realize that I will ultimately be covered in blood, sweat, and tears but I will “feel” smoking hot. ;) That is at least the plan.

I am making strides with the nursery. I am leaning towards a zoo theme–lions, elephants, giraffes, etc. Currently the main set back are two shotguns and a machete that are still hanging on the wall from when David ruled this jungle. But apart from that tiny glitch, Martha Stewart would approve.





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