36 hours and counting
Topic: Uncategorized| No Comments »I am a news junkie.
Any news–political, sport, gossip, even the weather.
I soak it up like a sponge.
Every morning when I get up, I spent at least 1/2 hour reading about 12 different sites to see what is going on in the world.
Two weeks ago I kicked CNN.com cold turkey and forever dismissed them as a reputable source of journalism. About 5 years overdue I am embarrassed to admit.
Unfortunately that meant that my obsessive side clung onto ESPN.com like a gold-digger on a dying millionaire. I am a huge NBA fan. Go Celtics!! But after nights of dreaming about Blake Griffin (why???? The Clippers? Really?) and Paul Pierce, I decided I need to get a healthier habit. A more dignified habit. Cary Grant perhaps?
Anyway, for the last 36 hours I have not checked ESPN. I dont know the result of last night’s games and I am still breathing. Yes, I sound like Darth Vader but I am live.
Admittedly, the decision to wean myself off was not motivated by pure self-awareness. The fact is that the Celtics lost Friday after a 14:0 start, the Lakers won, and the Czech Republic lost to Slovakia in World Hockey Championship semi-finals (read: national mourning). My psyche could not withstand such blows. I am hardly a fair-weather fan but I have my limit.
I am not saying goodbye to the world of sports. Just taking a break until my dreams go back to Banana Republic fire sales, hair-free legs, and me being voted a SEC chair woman.