Archive for May 31st, 2012

The Third Trimester

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Time flies.
The Blueberry is over 35 weeks and weighs as much as a honeydew.
Starting next week, we will have our doc appointments weekly.

This morning we pre-registered and toured the hospital. We saw a number on babies born just hours ago sleeping happily/unhappily in the nursery. I was mesmerized. They are tiny but they are heads are BIG. Hmmmmm.

I am feeling great. Tired. Last Thursday I got up, showered, had breakfast and decided I needed an hour-long power nap after such a feat. But most days I am very perky. Getting out of bed is getting tricky though with no abs to speak off. So, David has to shove my off the bed at 3 am as an act of love so I can go to the bathroom. Actually I wake up less frequently now then during the second trimester. I sleep much better too.
I do waddle and I think twice before I deem something worthy to bend down for it. I love going on walks. Walking makes me feel awesome.
I am obsessed with rice pudding.

I constantly organize and reorganize the nursery. This weekend, I am getting our hospital bag/suitcase/moving truck ready.

