Archive for June, 2012

The Point I Have Reached

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This morning David proclaims in disbelief,” Wow, Honey, you are wearing pants!”
Yep. I was at home and I was dressed.
While clothing was a staple of my past BR life…for the last two weeks I simply run around in David’s old shirts and not much else.
It is just too hot. Plus putting on clothing takes energy which I save for only two two activities–floating in the pool and eating peaches.

Seriously, I am really feeling terrific. I love my Blueberry. I think she will come either Sat, next Tues (full moon) or next Weds (July 4th).


Floating Heaven

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Spent the whole afternoon yesterday at the pool.
I love to float.
I want to float until the Blueberry is born.
David came for a little bit to join me.
I love seeing him during the day.

July 3rd (next Tues) is full moon and some of my friends are convinced that the Blueberry will come then.
It is so odd for someone like me who has each day planned to the second to be in a situation where my life is about to be completely turned upside down and have no control.

I registered to vote yesterday!


Date Night

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Last night David and I had our possibly last carefree date night.
We went to a new restaurant in Orem called Shabu Shabu House. The restaurant in based on Japanese style of cooking where each dinner guest has its own heat element and cooks the meal himself. First you make a flavorful broth, throw in your veggies, and cook your meat. You cook the meant for only about 30-40 seconds as it is sliced paper thin. You dip the meat in variety of sauces and eat it with rice. Finally, you cook your noodles and eat the broth and veggies as a soup. David absolutely loved it.
Afterwards, we headed to the movies to see Wrath of the Titans which, frankly, is hardly a masterpiece.

Anyway, how much does a babysitter cost? How do you find one that guarantees child’s survival?
Tricky. Tricky.

Chants from Germany v. Greece EURO 2012 match:
Germans: If it were not for Angie (Merkel), you would not even be here.
Greeks: We will never pay you back.
I love Europe.


Strollers and Peaches

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Despite all odds, we assembled the jogging stroller. Including the cupholder!!!
It is huge.
I am suspecting it is a refurbished tank.
I wonder if we need to register it with the DMV???
Frankly, I would not be surprised if it had a better crash test rating than a Dodge Ram.

Peaches are on sale!!!!
Wal-Mart due to its price match guarantee was selling peaches for $.50/pound.
So we are currently the lucky owners of 30 lbs of peaches.
If I were not pregnant I would can them, as is, I will freeze some (according to LJ’s wisdom) and eat the rest. Should last me maybe a week.

We finally have our birth plan printed out and ready. David insisted that it say “We request participation in the baby’s last bath” instead of “We request participation in the baby’s first bath”. He maintains that it is a brilliant scheming strategy to check if the nurses have actually read it.




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Why in the name of all that is holy do strollers require PhDs??????????????
Yesterday after a 15 minute battle with a Graco stroller frame at Babies’r'Us I finally asked an assistant for instruction on to collapse it. She worked her voodoo magic and the stubborn thing folded. Of course, after she left I spent another 15 minutes in vain trying to figure out how to bring it back to life. I was so furious that I just left this devil’s carriage smack in the middle of the isle to relish in its superior intelligence.
Today our awesome jogging stroller came. I did not even attempt to figure out how to install the wheels but humbly decided to tackle attaching the cup holders. Total and utter failure. I think I might have a better chance at assembling a space rocket than a stroller.

George, my faithful Taurus, also failed me today. He squeaks. We replaced the timing belt pulley but he still squeaks. Today I brought him to the mechanic to have a second look. Of course, George, terrified of the mechanic, ran like a Lamborghini. I am sure the moment I am behind the wheel he will go back to squeaking like a piglet.

David was hilarious this morning. I told him I was going to make my own Hooter Hider and the good man refused to believe that this was a real and official term and not one created by my twisted mind. He said he was surprised I did not come up with “The Tit Tent”. I laughed about it all morning.

I have so much to do that this morning I got exhausted just writing my to-do list. How do people ever get bored???



Baby Shower

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I had my baby shower on Saturday. It was beautiful. I felt special and spoiled.
We now have a car seat to take the baby home in and have installed it in David’s car. I attached the car seat cover I had made. LOVE IT. We had the car seat in the house for the afternoon and unconsciously tiptoed around it because the cover made it look like there was a baby asleep in inside.
Ken and Larainne have generously purchased us a jogging stroller!!! I am sooooooo excited. Of course I dont jog but it will be perfect for walks and hiking. It is arriving on Wednesday and I cannot wait.

We had a wonderful Father’s Day dinner with Jonnie, Jennie plus friend, Ken and Larainne. So good to be all together.
I am so grateful for my Dad who is the most amazing person I know. I am so grateful for David who will be the perfect Dad to my little Blueberry. I am a very lucky girl.

David really has been fabulous through this whole pregnancy process. He has gone to every appointment with me, he moved his office and set up the nursery, he helps me get in/out of bed, he tells me every day that my belly is sexy, he has supported all my decisions regarding the delivery, he has let me purchase pretty much anything I have wanted for the baby and the nursery, he got people at work to donate no-longer needed baby items, and on and on. Seriously fabulous.

Last night was the first night I dreamed about the baby. She arrived early. She arrived at the house. Out of nowhere I was telling David that I can see her head and then he came over to the living room and with the next push he received the baby. I just asked him to make sure the cord was not around her neck and to call 911.

As I was falling asleep this nappy afternoon, I started thinking that indeed at any moment I can start feeling contractions. Insane. I can be mommy any day now. It blows my mind.

My OCD is pretty active right now. Diapers are in neat stacks. Clothes in size categories. Baby announcement stamps and labels ready.




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Who’s the Boss of Me???

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The link is to an article about the proposed ban on the sale of large sodas in NYC. Apparently the panel is also eyeing large popcorn containers and milk drinks.

This is an outrage and a direct attack on personal liberty.

How can they have the audacity to tell people what to eat and in what quantities??? It is my body. It is my prerogative to smoke and live off of hamburgers if I choose to.
What if they target peaches next?????????????????????
I must create a secret stock pile.



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I have always been a morning person.
I dont function much after 8:30 pm.
However, my recent morning productivity is off the charts.
No, I did not make another batch of cinnamon rolls but I have two gallons of chicken broth simmering on the stove and it is barely 7 am.
Must be the peaches. I have already eaten 3 and it is barely 7 am.

Yesterday was our last NBA game night. We are cancelling our TV. The monthly service charge doubled in price and I refuse to be consciously robbed. Of course, if the Celtics were in the finals, I would sell a kidney to pay for the coverage.
Oh, well. We only watched basketball anyway. Somehow I think the Blueberry will provide is with plenty of entertainment/thriller/sitcom/etc.




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I got up at 5 am today.
Apparently my body just cannot wait to suffer from lack of sleep.
What would you do at 5 am?
Well, I baked 2 sheets of homemade cinnamon rolls.
Disturbing but delicious.

Re: insurance. Apparently the fact that a child cannot be insured by itself is a result of the new health care law. Seems the government will go to any lengths to make sure “everyone” is insured. What the government definitely does not want is parents scrambling and putting just their kids on health insurance. By not allowing children to be on a plan by themselves (without a parent), the government makes sure that parents pull money out of thin air and get insurance for themselves in order to get coverage for their kids.
Of course, it also screws people like us where the two of us are insured but just want the baby to be on a different plan.
I am so excited I get to vote!!!

I want to live off of peaches.
Long gone are the days that I would watch an NBA game and eat an entire watermelon in one sitting.
No, now I am a peach addict.

Our hospital bag is packed, we are registered at the hospital, the nursery is set up, the baby shower is this Saturday.
Do I dare say “Now we just wait”???
I am happy to say I dont suffer from “being done with pregnancy”/ “get this baby out of me” syndrome. I could go on for another 5 months. Though there might be claw marks on the inside of my uterus by then. ;)

I think that I will get a handle on keeping the baby alive routine after some initial mental breakdowns but I am flat out scared about parenting. Obviously, that is some time away but I am not looking forward to discussing one piece vs. bikini swimming suits, ear piercing, curfews, etc… I wish kids just came out of the womb with common sense and the desire to go to college but looking around me…clearly they don’t.

I admit that I will miss having our life revolve around only the two of us. I am excited for the Blueberry to join our family and enrich our lives but I am so grateful for the six years David and I had together as a couple. It has been incredible to have had this time to grow as husband and wife. I love David with all my heart. He makes me happy. He makes me better.

