Archive for June 13th, 2012

Who’s the Boss of Me???

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The link is to an article about the proposed ban on the sale of large sodas in NYC. Apparently the panel is also eyeing large popcorn containers and milk drinks.

This is an outrage and a direct attack on personal liberty.

How can they have the audacity to tell people what to eat and in what quantities??? It is my body. It is my prerogative to smoke and live off of hamburgers if I choose to.
What if they target peaches next?????????????????????
I must create a secret stock pile.



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I have always been a morning person.
I dont function much after 8:30 pm.
However, my recent morning productivity is off the charts.
No, I did not make another batch of cinnamon rolls but I have two gallons of chicken broth simmering on the stove and it is barely 7 am.
Must be the peaches. I have already eaten 3 and it is barely 7 am.

Yesterday was our last NBA game night. We are cancelling our TV. The monthly service charge doubled in price and I refuse to be consciously robbed. Of course, if the Celtics were in the finals, I would sell a kidney to pay for the coverage.
Oh, well. We only watched basketball anyway. Somehow I think the Blueberry will provide is with plenty of entertainment/thriller/sitcom/etc.

